Academy for Theatre and Digitality

Annette Müller


Short Bio

Annette Müller is a Düsseldorf based director, playwright, actress and dramaturge for contemporary dance and performance

Annette Müller, actress at Hessischen Staatstheater Wiesbaden from 2005 to 2010.2010 to 2018 artistic director for Junges Theater am Hessische Landestheater Marburg, together with Oda Zuschneid. At Hessisches Landestheater Marburg she directed pieces like „Kasimir und Karoline“ and „Frühlings Erwachen“, that was invited to Junges Staatstheater Berlin PARKAUE und and Landestheater Tübingen.As a director she works at Landestheater Tübingen and at Kjt Dortmund, her play „harder,faster,stronger“ was nominated as „bestes Jugendstück 2021“ at HEIDELBERGER STÜCKEMARKT.

As a dramaturge she worked from 2015 to 2019 with the Performancecollective HARTMANNMUELLER at PACTZOLLVEREIN, TANZHAUS NRW and RINGLOKSCHUPPEN MÜLHEIM. They were often invited to the festival TANZNRW and their work „Die Schöpfung“ was invited to FAVORITEN Festival 2020. She also works for the cologne-based Performancegroup SEE! And together with Montserrat Gardo Castillo/Petr Hastik ( FFT Düsseldorf, UrbaneKünste Ruhr).In july 2021 she won together with the argentinian composer Cecilia Arditto den „InternationalenKompositionswettbewerb“ at Nationaltheater Mannheim with their draft of a multidisciplinary opera basierend based on the novel „L’Étranger“ by Albert Camus.

Annette Müller is a playwright, published by DreiMaskenVerlag München.

Since 2019 she is a lecturer at THEATERAKADEMIE KÖLN ( acting departement)



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