Academy for Theatre and Digitality

Matthias Keller


Short Bio

Matthias Keller’s first contact with classical music was in his childhood, when he started studying violin and sang in children’s choirs. Later this passion should become his job. After graduating from school he spent two years in Israel and Palestine, then he studied business administration (Universität Mannheim) and cultural management (Hochschule für Musik FRANZ LISZT Weimar). He has worked for different theaters (Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar, Theater Freiburg), festivals (Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) and orchestras (West-Eastern Divan Orchestra) in different positions, for example as an assistant director, in orchestra management, dramaturgy or music education.

Since 2018 he works at Oper Dortmund as a dramaturg, mainly responsible for opera for children and young people.



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