Post-Organic Bauplan
Josefina Maro and Salvador MarinoFellow

Short Bio
Post-Organic Bauplan (POB) is a transdisciplinary collective from Argentina, based in Leipzig, Germany since 2018. POB is formed by Josefina Maro, choreographer and performance artist and Salvador Marino, Dr. in Evolutionary Biology and multimedia artist.
General concept:
The concept of Bauplan comes from developmental biology to define the conservative features that are typical to determine the body of one species, this concept was closely related to the idea of an architectural plan or design of a particular body that pre-exists the body itself. By putting it together with the word post-organic, what we try to generate is a break in the original concept and create an alternative meaning where bauplan can be what the body might build through its actions and not beforehand.
We understand practices exerted by social institutions as an attempt to preserve an idea of body, natural and unmodifiable, where religion, capitalism, science, patriarchy, i.e., are constantly putting pressures that shape and limit our own constructions and experiences as corporealities. Through the experimentation with robotic prostheses we want to embody a Post-Organic Bauplan that could enable us to escape from a system that tries to homogenize every-body.